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蔡唱,张艳楠 (湖南大学 法学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:侵权责任法36条的适用  表达自由  保护
The Protection of Freedom of Expression in The Enforcement of Article 36 of Torts
Abstract:The most special and important conflict of rights in the enforcement of article 36 of tort law of the People’s Republic of China is the conflict of freedom of expression and the right of personality. This is a conflict between basic freedom in Constitutional Law and private rights.Rules applied to the common media are not suitable to handle this conflict for differences of internet media. The protection of freedom of expression by Article 36 is recessive,it has no means of relief at the same time. When resolving conflicts, it is important to know that the fast diffusion contributes to both the spread of damage and the elimination of damage.Reasons can be found from institutional angle and duty angle which formed conflicts. It is an important method to balance the interests ( freedom) of civil subjects. Freedom of expression and the right of personality should to be equally protected. When interpreting and implementing the rule, it has to accord with principle of freedom of expression restriction. We can resolve this conflict in macroscopic view and microcosmic view. Ethics method and law method are necessary to handle this problem, self-regulation could also play an important role.
keywords:Enforcement of Article 36 of Torts  Freedom of Expression  Protection
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