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曾晶 (华东政法大学 经济法学院上海201620) 
中文关键词:企业数量  企业对称性  生产能力  协调行为  共同支配地位
The Definition of “Enterprises Factors” in the Regulation of Collective Dominance in Anti-monopoly Law
Abstract:Many factors among enterprises, such as the number of enterprises, enterprises symmetry, production capacity, as well as structural links, are considerably important for enterprises to reach or maintain the coordinated behavior or concerted action. Therefore, when determining whether the enterprise occupies a collective dominant position, we must take full account of these factors in order to ensure the accuracy of judgment. At present, China's anti-monopoly enforcement has not fully grasped this inspection method, so China should fully draw lessons from the mature experience of relevant countries in the future, and explore a set of methods to determine collective dominance which is perfectly suited to China's national conditions as soon as possible.
keywords:enterprise number  enterprise symmetry  production capacity  coordinated behavior  collective dominance
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