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李冬梅,舒大刚 (四川大学 古籍整理研究所四川 成都610065) 
中文关键词:蜀学  三皇五帝  五常七德  阴阳五行  老子入蜀
Disquisition on the Five Things of Shu Xue——Reading Notes of Xie Wuliang's Shu Xue Hui Xu
Abstract:By explaining Xie Wuliang's Shu Xue Hui Xu, the paper summarizes the five features of Shu Xue. Firstly,it is a distinctive system of ancient history, that is the “three emperors” system which connotes“ the emperor, the queen, and the imperia”, and the decent “five emperors (kings)” system which covers “Can Cong, Yu Fu, Bo Guan, Du Yu, Kai Ming”. Secondly, the concepts of “Wu Xing” in Hong Fan and “Yin and Yang” in Hills by Da Yu laid the philosophical foundation for the later Confucianism. Thirdly, different from the five virtues of kindness, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness in the Central Plains, Shu Xue from Yan Zun established the value system centered on moral, kindness, righteousness and propriety or “moral and five virtues”. Fourthly, based on the structure of “Six Classics” in Confucius, “Five Classics” in Han Synasty and “Nine Classics” in Tang Dynasty, Shu Xue always found new breach and built a classic system of “Seven Classics” and “Thirteen Classics”, which was fully accepted by orthodox Confucianism. Fifthly, ancient myths about “emperor” and the traditional Taoist beliefs in Sichuan brought in fairy legend about Laozi, as well as the achievements of Zhang Ling who founded a religion in Sichuan.
keywords:Shu Xue  Three Emperors and Five Emperors (Kings)  five virtues and seven morals  yin-yang and five elements  Laozi in Sichuan
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