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朱耀斌 (湖南人文科技学院 政治与法律系湖南 娄底417000) 
中文关键词:湘军  宗法文化  社会转型
On the Patriarchal Culture of Xiang Military and Social Transformation in Late Qing Dynasty
Abstract:The rising of Xiang Military ,based on patriarchal links,serves as an initial password and historical version interpreting social transformation in Late Qing Dynasty.The essay provides an analysis framework with discussing The military class entering into the center from the fringes of society, expansion of Rights of local gentlemen,gradual institution game,Man-Han’s privileges and the han nationality consciousness in the reconciliation between Man-Han on the background of Xiang Military System.Therefore, The traditional patriarchal clan natura community began to be replaced by political community of interests, becoming an important variables affecting political situation of Qing Dynasty.
keywords:Xiang Military  patriarchal culture  social transformation
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