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薄明华,曾长秋 (中南大学 马克思主义学院湖南 长沙410083) 
中文关键词:时政网络社区  网络舆论  生态治理
The Ecology of Public Opinion on Political Network Community and Its Governance in China
Abstract:Recent ten years have witnessed the boom of political network community in China, when political forum, blog, micro-blog and post bars have appeared explosive growth and public opinion has been exerting a great influence on the society. At present, China's political network community is showing extremely complex public opinion on ecology, especially the spread of network rumors, extreme expression, giving tit for tat, extreme view on mainstream values, overwhelming rebellious whining and complaining. We should strengthen public opinion guidance,optimize the ecological governance,form a good public opinion environment, and build a harmonious community, which is the kernel part for the safety of mainstream ideology and social stability.
keywords:political network community  public opinion in network  ecological governance
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