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姜广辉,钟华 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:  经学  六经  五经  七经  九经  十二经  十三经
The Jing and the Study of Classics
Abstract:After the Warring States period, the character “Jing” was used as a general term, which referred to the most significant classics written by the scholars in pre-Qin Dynasty. The concept “Jing Xue”, which means the study of classics, especially the learning of Confucius classics,started in Han Dynasty. Shi, Shu, Li, Yi, Chunqiu were considered as five books of “Chinese Classics” , and the name of the five books was all attached with “Jing” after Han Dynasty. Thus the classics were gradually increased to seven classics, nine classics, and twelve classics. In Song Dynasty, the number was officially confined to thirteen books. All the classics were considered as the “root” of traditional Chinese culture, which reflected the national value of the Chinese nation. Therefore, “Jing Xue” takes a dominant position in Chinese culture.
keywords:Jing  the study of classics  six classics  five classics  seven classics  nine classics  twelve classics  thirteen classics
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