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(台湾)杨儒宾 (“国立”清华大学中文系台湾 新竹30013) 
中文关键词:《中庸》  儒家  生生哲学  参赞  功夫
The Effort of Counselors in the Doctrine of the Mean
Abstract:The paper focuses on the corresponding relationship among metaphysics,experience thought and mythical thinking and points out the origin of “Sheng-sheng” theory in The Doctrine of the Mean based on religious psychology and history of religion. The Doctrine of the Mean insists on the interaction between natural law and human life. The idea of “Sheng-sheng” is undoubtedly derived from the theory of mind-nature, while inheriting primitive agricultural civilization, which claims that the universe is a great life. However, the viewpoint sets base on a brand new dimension of personality, which holds that the establishment and reinforcement of individuality has considerably strengthened the faith that the whole universe is in an endless succession and all the human beings gather in one family.
keywords:the Doctrine of the Mean  Confucianism  the idea of “Sheng-sheng”  counselor  effort
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