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盖光 (山东理工大学 文学与新闻传播学院山东 淄博255049) 
中文关键词:生态批评  建设性  公共性  介入性
The Constructiveness, the Publicity and the Intervention of Eco-criticism
Abstract:Eco-criticism is substantial and constructive which points to reality through literary interpretation activity, and refers to the mode of human activity. With endless affection and imagination, eco-criticism discovers, dwells, understands and appreciates human living activities in the organic condition and the whole system. Eco-criticism also analyzes environmental condition in utterance expressions, text interpretations/reinterpretations,and grasps “the root” of human existence in pursuing environmental organic co-prosperity and “all created into the whole”. Thus, eco-criticism expands the public view of literary activities, and with the help of the intervention of life experience, it carries on interpretation, evaluation, theory investigating, and value embodiment to argue that how human beings reveal charm and glamour in the organic process and spiritual-aesthetic experience.
keywords:eco-criticism  constructiveness  publicity  intervention
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