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陈佳冀 (江南大学 人文学院江苏 无锡214122) 
中文关键词:动物叙事  类型研究  历史根源  神话原型  母题模式
Mythological Archetype Motif and Model Research of Chinese Contemporary “Animal Narration”
Abstract:Primitive mythic thinking has been exerting a potential impact on the literary creation nowadays, and with all blending and colliding with modern thinking, its modern transformation has presented as a relatively fixed mode in the expression of animal narrative text. Based on the analysis of the text, the paper focuses on the derivational morphology of original animal mythologies: traceability research of animal nature myths and animal totem myth, two core narrative dimensions of animal as a symbol of the nature and nature of human beings, as well as modern motif patterns and types of derivatives in animal archetypal motifs.
keywords:animal narrative  type research  historical origin  mythology archetype  motif pattern
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