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许继莹 (山东大学 文史哲研究院山东 济南250100) 
中文关键词:汉宣帝  年号    天人感应
On the Cultural Background and Political Intention of the Phoenix Used by Emperor Xuan of Han in Reign Titles
Abstract:Taking Emperor Xuan in Han as an example, this paper studies the reason why he used Phoenix as a reign title from the perspective of mutual interaction between nature and person. The original meaning of “Phoenix” is an auspicious bird, and Emperor Xuan used Phoenix as his reign title exactly because he believed in mutual interaction between nature and person which was based on the theory of “everything is related”. Emperor Xuan used “phoenix” as his reign title to prove his legal identity and won more support from people, since he was caught in overwhelming difficulties at his reign. Meanwhile, he also got thoroughly comforted from this title. Therefore, he used “Wufeng”(which means five phoenixes) as his reign title.
keywords:Emperor Xuan of Han  reign title  phoenix  mutual interaction between nature and person
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