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李海林 (西南民族大学 马克思主义学院四川 成都610064) 
中文关键词:郑思肖  道教地理  堪舆
Unity of All Matters——The Geographical Thought of Zhen Sixiao, a Taoist in Late Song Dynasty
Abstract:The Geographical thought of Zhen Sixiao, a Taoist in Late Song Dynasty, can be defined as academic scotoma. From the perspective of content, the theory is about geomantic omen, the surface, and records about some of the local conditions and customs of ideas or information, among which geomantic omen is of the most important characteristic. Geomantic omen sets “Zhen Yang Sheng Yi” as the core, “Zhen Yang”as the basis, and “Sheng Yi”as the practice method, while none of them are joint.“Zhen Yang Sheng Yi” is the heaven, the earth, the life stem, which is at the root of changes of all things, dowsing, observation of the sand, acupuncture, water and so on. From the point of view of the characteristics, it is a combination of three religions, the unity of the body and the world, the blending of faith and patriotism.
keywords:Zheng Sixiao  Taoism geography  geomantic omen
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