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高再兰,王政 (1.北京大学-香港理工大学 汉语语言学研究中心1008712.淮北师范大学 文学院235000) 
中文关键词:戴震  《毛诗补传》  解诗  诗学
On Dai Zhen’s Maoshibuzhuan
Abstract:In terms of the criticism to Maoshibuzhuan,there were some special characteristics as to Dai Zhen’s interpretation to it. Dai Zhen strove to get solid evidence which he gathered from historical facts or rumor styles or idioms or names of things when he gave notes to the words from Maoshi so that he could return to the original meaning of them from Book of Songs;there were also some unique viewpoints about poetics in it. For example,he emphasized the mastery of the messages of a poem. In order to do that, he analyzed the complex relationships between the poet’s thoughts and the words which expressed them and how a variety of metaphors and analogies as well as fictitious characters expressed the messages of it.
keywords:Dai Zheng  Maoshibuzhuan  interpretation to Book of Songs  poetics
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