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谭明冉 (山东大学 哲学与社会发展学院山东 济南250100) 
中文关键词:王夫之  相天      
Assisting Heaven: the Ultimate Concern of Wang Fuzhi's Philosophical System
Abstract:Wang Fuzhi resorted to the reconstruction of Confucianism in front of the ruthless fact that the Manchu consolidated their conquest of China and annihilated the last Ming prince. In an effort to do so, Wang Fuzhi tried to sift out Confucianism from the adulterated Buddhist elements, and provided later generation a healthy moral theory which would promote universal harmony. He took the construction of “the Great Harmony/taihe” as his objective, and “assisting Heaven/xiangtian” as his method, and started his new interpretation of Confucian classics. He proposed the necessity and methods of the assistance of Heaven from the perspective of both natural and humane dimensions. The former lies in using human intelligence and invention to supplement what Heaven cannot provide; the latter asks people to expand their humanity and love to promote universal harmony through abiding by Confucian principles. He believed, by complying Confucian principles, one can transform one's physical defects and bad habits, and consolidate one's spirit, i.e., one's harmonious qi. As a result, one would leave a mass of harmonious qi to the universe and benefit the next generation even after one's body has decayed. In this way, one can be said to have fulfilled the meaning to be a human being.
keywords:Wang Fuzhi  assisting Heaven  ritual propriety  spirit  Heaven
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