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樊纪伟 (天津财经大学 法学院天津300222) 
中文关键词:关联公司  公司人格否认  法人格混同  指导案例
A Review of Extensive Application of Piercing the Corporation Veil in Affiliated Companies——Discussion on the Guiding Case No.15 of the Supreme Court
Abstract:The Guiding Case No. 15 enacted by the Supreme Court stipulates the civil liability of affiliated companies of which the corporate personality is confused. The legal theory behind this sentence coincides with the majority view in China. However, because the majority view pays no attention to the controlling shareholders in affiliated companies, it is easy for the controlling shareholders to abuse the power to gain illegal revenue and avoid responsibility. Therefore, with piercing the veil of affiliated companies, the liability shall be also imposed on shareholders when they abused corporate personality.
keywords:affiliated companies  piercing the corporation veil  confusion of corporate personality  guiding cases
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