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李薇,季水河 (1.南昌大学 新闻与传播学院江西 南昌330000
2.湘潭大学 文学与新闻学院,湖南 湘潭411105) 
中文关键词:普利策新闻奖特稿  新闻叙事语法  新闻文本
An Analysis on News Narrative Grammar Features of Pulitzer Prize for Feature Writing——A Case Study of the Wreck of the Lady Mary
Abstract:News narrative grammar means the connecting form, logic and principle of the events in the news report. The characteristics of the narrative grammar of the Pulitzer Prize for feature writing are as follows: the event sequence pattern showing a double track of central events and satellite events coupling model; the logic of event connecting following the rule of time as the leading role and space as the supplement; the principle of event connecting is to expose the truth and show the tapestry of life. These characteristics are the nature of the Pulitzer Prize for feature writing, and these features ensure the realization of warning function of the news text.
keywords:features of Pulitzer  narrative grammar of news  the news text
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