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[德]史达 (海德堡大学 汉学系德国 海德堡999035) 
中文关键词:岳麓秦简  《质日》  官吏履历  墓主  简背划线
The Curriculum Vitae of an Official Attached to the “Calendar of the 27th Year” from the Yuelu Academy Collection and the Identity of the Owner of the three Yuelu Academy Calendars
Abstract:This paper discusses four slips that belong to the Yuelu Academy calendars but were not included in the respective edition. The reason for this is that it was formerly unclear to which of the manuscripts in the Yuelu Academy collection these slips should be assigned. Fortunately, an analysis of material factors such as verso lines has meanwhile made it possible to determine that they were originally attached at the end of the “Calendar of the 27th Year”. As it turns out, the four slips contain a concise curriculum vitae of an official named Shuang. From an analysis of this attachment and the three Yuelu Academy calendars it becomes clear that Shuang was very likely a subordinate of the owner and user of the calendars. Furthermore, that owner and user very likely once was the vice prefect of Jiangling and after his death became the occupant of the tomb, from which the Yuelu Academy Qin slips in all likelihood derive.
keywords:Yuelu Academy collection of Qin slips  calendar  curriculum vitae  tomb occupant  verso lines
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