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王卡 (中国社会科学院 世界宗教研究所,北京100732) 
中文关键词:当代新道家  金岳霖  形上学  人生观
The Metaphysics and the Outlook on Life of Mr. Jin Yuelin
Abstract:Jin Yuelin, a famous Chinese philosopher, was one of the representatives of the Contemporary Neo-Daoism, who absorbed western modern ideology and has long concentrated on the new interpretation of traditional Taoism. Mr. Jin founded philosophy embedded with both modernism and universality that has been exertinga great influence on intellectual history of China. The main features of his philosophy system focused on the metaphysics and outlook on life which are two eternal themes of philosophy as the core issues emphasizing the value of the Complementarity of Confucianism and Taoism, and the significance of the mutual complementarity between Chinese and Western cultures. The article mainly discusses the metaphysics and outlook on life of Mr. Jin Yuelin.
keywords:contemporary Neo-Daoism  JinYuelin  metaphysics  outlook on life
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