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刘轶,王刚,李旭彪 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙410006) 
中文关键词:贷款冲击  货币供给  冲击经济波动  DSGE模型
Credit Shock,Monetary Supply Shock and Macroeconomic Fluctuation
Abstract:Through the establishment of a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model, this article analyzes the macroeconomic fluctuation effects of credit shock and monetary supply shock under the situation of money procedure. Combining with the actual situation of China’s macro economy, and taking the effects of correlation between credit shock and monetary supply shock into account, this paper proved that both shocks would make a larger output fluctuation, and the response of economic to credit shock can be more robust. Finally, we argue that monetary policy should try to reduce the control of the target of new loans in short terms, but should keep reforming on interest rate marketization and make the transition to relying more on interest rate procedure.
keywords:Credit Shock  Monetary Supply Shock  EconomicFluctuation  DSGE Model
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