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邓国光 (澳门大学 中国文学系,澳门999078) 
中文关键词:曹元弼  经学文钞  实事求是  孝德  礼教
A Primary Study of The Anthology of Confucian Learning by Master Cao Yuanbi
Abstract:Master Cao Yuanbi was a Confucian Classics Learning master in contemporary China with lofty reputation in Chinese classics scholars for his ethical behavior and academic contribution. During the changing period of modern China he had compiled The Anthology of Confucian Learning for promoting Confucian value for common well being in order to rebuild a humane society without any conflict of interest by means of the ritual teaching in life practice. The anthology highlighted the inner thought and a frame diagram of Confucian classics learning that was an important contribution to modern thought development.
keywords:Cao Yuanbi  The Anthology of Confucian Learning  finding truth from the face  filial piety  ritual teaching
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