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陈坚 (1.山东大学 犹太教与跨宗教研究中心山东 济南250100
2.山东大学 佛教研究中心,山东 济南250100) 
中文关键词:佛教  善恶  因果  善有善报  善不受报
On the Difference between Two Buddhist Views of Good and Evil
Abstract:The view of good and evil is an eternal theme in Buddhism. In Chinese Buddhism, there are two different views of good and evil: one view highlights the effects of people's behavior, which can also be called “karma”: doing good will cause good to return and doing bad will lead to bad. The other view focuses the causes of people's behavior, which calls on the human being to cease from doing every form of evil and to do what are good. If given a deep thought, it can be concluded that the first view, of a little deterministic meaning, is the reflection of the karma retribution of the Confucian culture and folk custom on Buddhism which belongs to localized view of good and evil, while the second view is based on the Indian Buddhism's doctrine of conditioned co-arising, which is authentically Indian Buddhism's view of good and evil. According to the second view, Zhu Daosheng, a famous monk in East Jin Dynasty, came up with the thought of doing good without asking for return: a person tries to do what are good without paying attention to the return of being a good person. However, the very no-asking-for-return is the biggest return for the person who does what are good and automatically leads to the greatest benefit, being enlightened.
keywords:Buddhism  the view of good and evil  karma  return caused by doing good  doing good without asking for return
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