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江庆柏 (南京师范大学 文学院江苏 南京210097) 
中文关键词:四库全书  四库提要  乾嘉学术
Comparison and Research on the Abstracts of Siku Tiyao
Abstract:From the originally respective compiling abstracts written by the compilers of the Siku Quanshu Institute to the Total Abstracts of Siku Quanshu, the abstracts of Siku Quanshu went through the process of replacement, addition, rechecking and so on. The content, text, style and some other things have changed a lot, and there are many differences among them. The differences of the abstracts are related to the revision of the documents, the alteration of the original text, the changes of the compilers, the optionally deletion and negligence of the copyists. They are also related to the certain political factors, the academic concepts of the compilers. The Comparison and research on the documents of the abstracts of Siku Quanshu can enrich the research of the history of academic thought, enrich the theoretical construction of philology, and provide example illustration for the management research of the Siku Quanshu Institute.
keywords:Siku Quanshu  Siku Tiyao  Qianjia academy
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