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李士娟 (故宫博物院图书馆北京100009) 
中文关键词:故宫  《四库全书》 存本  考证
Research on a Few Siku Quanshu Books Preserved at the Palace Museum Library
Abstract:Siku Quanshu were selected and compiled by the imperial Institute of Siku Quanshu, which was established in 1773 (the 38th year of the Qianlong Reign). It took about 13 years to complete the compilation of the whole series of books, which were divided into seven different versions of Siku Quanshu and separately stored in seven places from north to south of China. Large parts ( four out of seven ) of books were destroyed during the wars later on. The author surprisingly found that some Siku Quanshu books which should be stored at Wen Yuan Ge, Wen Jin Ge or Nan San Ge had been yet left at the Palace Museum Library when she sorted out ancient books preserved from the Qing Dynasty. This paper represents an extensive analysis on why these books are preserved at the Library and what kind of unique literature value they embrace. It makes significant contributions to the further research and understanding of the compilation process of the Siku Quanshu.
keywords:the Palace Museum  Siku Quanshu  version  research
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