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彭林 (清华大学 人文学院北京100083) 
中文关键词:礼治  德治  完人教育  礼乐教化  移风易俗
The Origin, Academic Theory and Culture Function of the Confucian Political Theory of “Rule by Propriety”
Abstract:The development of human society, in the final analysis, is the development of human-beings. Only when everyone becomes a man with physical and mental health,will the evolution of mankind complete. Confucian culture begins from human centered viewpoint and cultivates a gentleman by educating and influencing through propriety and music as a main way. The people from Zhou Dynasty summarized the lessons of history and chose rules by propriety. The “Propriety” in Chinese civilization was equivalent to “culture” in the Western,which has a wide range and almost contains everything. From the academic point of view,the highest level of holistic education is self-cultivation by propriety,nature-cultivation by music, and both etiquette and music are valued. The function of property is to provide a standard of moral rationality to the society, strengthen the cultural identity to the people, and change existing habits and customs.
keywords:rule by propriety  rule of virtue  holistic education  educate and influence through etiquette and music  change existing habits and customs
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