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宋剑华,买琳芳 (暨南大学 中文系广东 广州510632) 
中文关键词:鲁迅  周作人  兄弟“失和”  主观臆说
History Cannot be Assumed——a Discussion about Zhou Brothers' "Estranged" Causes
Abstract:The brothers' estrangement between Lu Xun and Zhou Zuoren in academic circles has been a koan. Many researchers in order to maintain high social prestige of Lu Xun, they were all on the side of Zhou Haiying and Xu Guangping, and put all the responsibility onto Zhou Zuoren and Yutaixinzi, as a result, it completely obscured the historical truth of the events. Now in the process of historical data, we found that scholars currently held views or opinions that almost all of them were subjective assumptions, they were simply untenable. From “Lu Xun's Diary” and “Zhou Zuoren Diary”, it turned out that the two brothers had got misunderstanding. In fact, by Lu Xun and Zhou Zuoren's personality, they were not associated with each other very much. So out of the “voyeuristic” privacy academic bias, it is advisable that we return to the normal track of academic research, respect the historical facts rather than hearsay evidence. It is the right choice for the study of Lu Xun.
keywords:Lu Xun  Zhou Zuoren  Brothers' estranged  Subjective assumption
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