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魏雷东 (河南师范大学 青少年问题研究中心河南 新乡453007) 
中文关键词:道德信仰  道德思维  承认关系  道德语言
Recognizing and Expressing:the Logic of Moral Belief Recognization
Abstract:Moral belief includes theoretical character——“a symmetry between self and others” and practical wisdom, which requires us to make moral thinking impartially, to understand and consider each person's interest with a universalizable perspective. Moral belief relates to the recognition relationship between self and others. Moral action concerns not only the promotion of others’ interests , but also the actor's happiness himself. A moral life is preferred to “struggle for recognizing”. The extent to which moral belief can be accepted depends on skillfully phrased moral language, and rational introspection about cognition style and identification model of moral thinking.
keywords:moral belief  moral thinking  recognition relationship  moral language
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