引用本文:钱力, 叶继林.反思与启示:对有限合伙私募基金的有限合伙人权利保护制度的检视[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2017,(1):157-160
摘要点击次数: 842
全文下载次数: 8
钱力, 叶继林 (1.武汉大学 政治与公共管理学院湖北 武汉4300722.萍乡学院 政法学院江西 萍乡337000) 
中文关键词:私募基金  有限合伙人  普通合伙人
Reflections and Inspiration:View on the Protection of Limited Partners’ Rights in Limited Partnership Private Equity Fund
Abstract:Limited partnership private equity funds as a new way of investment has been favored and sought after by the investors since its appearance. However, the legislative concept of "a high degree of autonomy" has greatly increased the investment risk of the investors, which means the protection of the limited partners’ rights is facing serious challenges. On the basis of learning from the legislative experience of the protection of the limited partners’ rights in the United States and the protection measures of the minority shareholders’ rights in China's Corporation Law, the author puts forward the idea of improving the protection of the limited partners' rights.
keywords:limited partnership private equity funds  limited partners  general partners
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