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[韩国]韩在壎 (延世大学 国学研究院韩国 首尔03722) 
中文关键词:朝鲜时代  书院  享祀礼
North Korea Times Academy Xiang Si Research——CENTERED ON NINE ACADEMY XIANGSI CEREMONY
Abstract:North Korea times academy of existing representative,is called nine academy.By comparing the sacrifice,the nine academy in north Korea times academy sacrifice of process,especially through the analysis of the similarities and differences of each college,and this paper discusses the academy XiangSi process of the construction of the identity.The Korean academy of the era of positioning itself in the village school and village temple,between the positioning consciousness is very strong.Especially the process of consolidation academy XiangSi ceremony,in reference to the township suggested a drink at the same time,with a special focus on ritual differences between verbosity.Nine academy XiangSi ceremony between the specific content is also different,if the nine college outside of the college is also taken into consideration,the difference is bigger.This “different” exists,however,it means that the south Korean academy XiangSi ceremony is not formulated by the state,but a variety of academic community through active consideration and discussion to determine.At the same time it can show the Korean academy of the era of XiangSi maintains “datong”,there exists “small”.It is not only the development characteristics of the academy XiangSi ritual,but also the north college,one of the defining characteristics of cultural development of the Times.
keywords:North Korea times  academy  XiangSi research
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