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张冠夫 (北京语言大学 人文学院北京100083) 
中文关键词:王国维  文学类型  抒情的文学  叙事的文学  二分法
Lyrical Literature and Narrative Literature—On the Dichotomy of Literary Genre Raised by Wang Guowei
Abstract:The conception and theoretical system of the Chinese literature has experienced a conversion from the traditional stage to the modern stage.In terms of the division of literary genre,literature has been divided by Wang Guowei into two parts: the lyrical literature and the narrative literature.This division differs from the prevailing trichotomy in the Western.The dichotomy indicates violent changes of literary thoughts in the late Qing Dynasty.Besides,the profound influence made by the Western literary and aesthetic conception represented by Schopenhauer,can be seen from this referred changes.However,the unique personal insights and creative ideas of Wang can still be dug from the changes.Despite the bias and limits due to the influence of the certain time and objectivity,Wang has done introspection and correction.Up to now, the theoretical value of the dichotomy of literature genre by Wang has not been completely recognized,but the enlightening significance of his inner mind journey about his theory should be noticed.
keywords:Wang Guowei  Literary genre  Lyrical literature  Narrative literature  Dichotomy
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