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龙佳解,杨世春 (湖南大学 马克思主义学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:吉登斯  马克思  国家理论  评析
Giddens Theory of the Modern State——with Comments on Marxs Theory of the State
Abstract:According to Anthony Giddens,the pre capitalist class society was called the Class divided society,however,capitalist society was different social classes with it.The Modern State was based on capitalist society,of which the characteristics were as follows:the exercise of sovereignty and the right of administrative monopoly was in conjunction with the territoriality;the expulsion of violence in the field of labor contracts was achieved;it was based on the institutional isolation of politics and economy,whose nature was political pluralism,in which totalitarianism was one of the hidden factors.Marx's theory of the state lacked the distinction between capitalist countries and pre capitalist countries,failed to foresee the rise of nationalism and ignored the modern state autonomy.Giddens used “reductionism”to deny Marxs theory about class nature of the State,which was bound to weaken the realpolitik criticism of Marxist theory of the state.
keywords:Giddens  Marx  the state theory  Comments
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