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朱玲莉 (首都师范大学 外国语学院北京 100089) 
中文关键词:怀德书院  日本私塾  日本教育
A Study on the Education of Kaitoku Academy during the Edo Age of Japan
Abstract:The Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan advocated schooling and accordingly provided opportunities for the spread of new thoughts and culture objectively.With the development of commodity economy in Japan,the strength of businessmen has been enhanced.Kaitoku Academy,aiming at cultivating business elites,possessed features of owning flexible and liberal teaching pattern,embracing and transmitting advanced Western culture actively and formulating a series of rules and regulations for education management.The academy trained a large number of people with noble aspiration to the progress of modernization in Japan.
keywords:Kaitoku Academy  old-style private school in Japan  Japanese education
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