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杨明晨 (香港中文大学 文化及宗教研究系香港 中国 999077) 
中文关键词:美国华裔文学  族裔文学  国家文学  世界文学
Chinese American Literary Criticism as World Literary Studies
Abstract:Since Chinese American Literary Studies arose in the context of American Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s,the research from both Chinese and American scholars has presented the particular contradiction between “national perspective” and“world imagination”.The rethinking of world literary topics and construction of world literary theories in Western comparative literary academia in the twenty-first century could serve as the new repository of enlightening Chinese American literary studies,which are in favor of the fulfillment of world cultural potential embodied in Chinese American literature and overcoming the logical confusion of national and world discourses manifested by Chinese American literary criticism.
keywords:Chinese American literature  ethnic literature  national literature  world literature
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