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程博丽 (湖南大学 岳麓书院 湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:秦汉  吏卒  归宁  出土简牍
A New Exploration of Guining System in Qin-Han Dynasties
Abstract:In Qin-Han dynasties,the lizu asked for bereavement leave to arrange family member’s funeral.Compared to the historical text which mainly recorded the compassionate leave of two-thousand-stone officials,showing that the funeral system changed repeatedly,the excavated manuscripts were mainly legal and administrative records of petty officials and soldiers handling bereavement,which included the coverage of lizu,the amount of compassionate leave,and the continuation of corvee after the funeral affairs.From Qin to Han,the regulations related with funeral leave had similarities as well as differences.Compared to the stringent regulations of Qin,the Han law records were more simplified and indicated the consideration for ordinary people.Meanwhile,the funeral regulations related with death of female members,showed that the mother had a relatively high position in a house,also the wife was gradually receiving more attention.
keywords:Qin -Han dynasties  lizu  guining  excavated bamboo records
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