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贺俊,邢路,曹苏 (中国科学技术大学 管理学院安徽 合肥 230026) 
中文关键词:转移支付  支出分权  地方债  内生增长
Transfer Payments,Expenditure Decentralization and Local Government Debt
Abstract:First,this article builds an endogenous growth model which contains the transfer payments,expenditure decentralization and local government debt on the basis of the theoretical model of Barro(1990),Greiner and Semmler(2000).We discuss the effect of transfer payment,expenditure decentralization to local government debt.The econometric model is constructed by using the theoretical result,and the empirical analysis of panel data of Chinas 30 provinces during 2005—2015 based on the results show that transfer payment significantly promots local government debt scale;2.The effect of transfer payment on local government debt is enhanced by government spending,and the relationship between expenditure decentralization and local government debt is an inverse U shape.Finally,this article considers the influeuce effection of regions,and delivers policy suggestions.
keywords:transfer payment  expenditure decentralization  local government debt  endogenous growth
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