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张今杰,于意 (湘潭大学 哲学系湖南 湘潭 411105) 
中文关键词:奥利费·赖泽  测量时间  心理时间  概念时间
The Time View of Oliver L.Reiser
Abstract:The problem of time is always one center of intrest of human understanding,there are two paths which are scientic and philosophy for people to studying time.After reviewing the two paths of studying time,Oliver L.Reiser points out that we should not show partiality to either side,instead we should combine the two paths.Through dialectical understanding of the physic time,mental time and conceptual time,the questions of the continuity and discontinuity of time,we will really understand the nature of time.
keywords:Oliver L.Reiser  measuring time  mental time  conceptual time
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