引用本文:谢旭斌,张 鑫.湖湘传统村落景观教化特色探讨[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2017,(5):115-121
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谢旭斌,张 鑫 (中南大学 建筑与艺术学院湖南 长沙 410083) 
中文关键词:湖湘传统村落景观  审美教化  宗族伦理
Research on Enlightening Features of Landscapes from Traditional Villages in HuXiang Area
Abstract:The Huxiang landscape of traditional village enlightenment has a feature of riching in type,diversing in form and being distinctive in aesthetic meaning.The cores of enlightenment are etiquettes,justice and kindness,honesty and modest.It has reflected a confucian ethics which contains ethics,benevolence,filial piety,and etiquette,meanwhile it has embodied an artistic view of nature-advocating,harmony,simplicity and frankness.Huxiang traditional village landscapes aesthetic civilization is generated by the enlightenment,inspiration and consciousness of natural revelation,ethical cultivation,feudal code of ethics,wizard culture,Neo Confucianism patriarchal clan system.Analysing the characteristic and connotative value will have enlightenments on carrying foward the fine traditional ethical values,carrying on the socialist core value and achieving cultural propaganda.
keywords:landscape of traditional villages in Huxiang area  aesthetic enlightenment  clan ethics
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