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夏福英 (中国人民大学 国学院北京 100872) 
中文关键词:以道修身  以道治国  权谋思想
On the Thought of Emperor’s Way of Governance in Lao Tzu
Abstract:A hundred schools in the pre-Qin times all wanted to influence politics with their doctrines,and the concentrated expression of politics then was “Emperor’s Way of Governance”.In ancient times,“Emperor’s Way of Governance” was a large concept of governing a country,which can contain a lot of content,not swept by the only doctrines of Confucian,but supplemented and enriched by a hundred schools.Lao Tzu is the most important representative of the pre-Qin Taoism,and from the point of view of thought,Lao Tzus position is often opposite to Confucian.Lao Tzu maintains that “reversion is the law of Taoism’s movement”,and its reversing thinking can just compensate for the deficiency and blind spots of Confucian.This paper discusses the thought of emperor’s way of governance in Loa Tzu from three aspects:“self-cultivation through Taoism,governance of a country through Taoism,and the thought of tactics.”
keywords:self-cultivation through Taoism  governance of a country through Taoism  the thought of tactics
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