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张海英,李晓梅 (湖南大学 中国语言文学学院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:先秦  道家    
A Textual Research on the Relationship between Temperament and Rites about Taoists in the Pre-qin Period
Abstract:On the relationship between temperament and rites,Taoists views in the pre-Qin period have been undergoing a comparatively obvious evolution.The early Taoists represented by Lao-tzu and Zhuang Zhou insisted that humanity is wonderful,so they thought that rites damaged the true nature of human and spared no effort to criticize secular rites.But the late Taoists represented by Ji Xia Taoists and He Crown-tzu thought that the humanity is not naturally perfect.In other words,the humanity is easily damaged even though it is perfect.So they insisted that the temperament should be limited by rites and basically affirmed that the rites played a positive role in the development of the temperament.This evolution shows Taoists fusion of Confucianism and mohism in the late Qin Dynasty,and the adjustment due to the changes of social reality.
keywords:the Pre-qin period  Taoists  temperament  rites
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