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全淑凤1,李璐2 (1.湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙 4100822.云南师范大学 党委宣传部云南 昆明 650500) 
中文关键词:网络舆情  生态系统  生产动力  传播动力  消费动力  分解动力
Research on the Dynamic Nodes of Network Public Sentiment Ecosystem
Abstract:Network public sentiment ecology is a complex social ecosystem.The subjective factors, objective and environmental factors of the ecosystem interact, interdependence and restrain mutually as a whole.To analyze the dynamic operation of network public sentiment ecosystem, this research has based on four key nodes:producing, disseminating, consuming and decomposing.Brewing of network public sentiment is driven by producing power;diffusion of network public sentiment is promoted by disseminating power;outbreak of network public sentiment is pulled by consuming power;dissipation of network public sentiment is catalyzed by decomposing power.The four dynamic nodes are vital points to explore the operation of network public sentiment ecosystem and logical starting points to resolve the crises of network public sentiment for ecological management of the ecosystem.
keywords:network public sentiment  ecosystem  producing power  disseminating power  consuming power  decomposing power
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