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贾小叶 (中国社会科学院 近代史研究所北京100006) 
中文摘要:时务学堂是湖南维新运动的重要成果,然由此而来的纷争却成为牵动戊戌政局变动的线索之一,因此长期以来备受学界关注。学界一般认为,时务学堂的纷争是新旧之争,中文总教习梁启超及其支持者为新派,反对者为旧派。但事实并非如此简单, 时务学堂之争存在着一明一暗两条线索,其核心与焦点都是“康党”“康学”。
中文关键词:时务学堂  “康党”  陈宝箴  王先谦
A Study On the Disputes of Shiwu Academy
Abstract:Shiwu Academy was an important achievement of Hunan Reform Movement, but the disputes of Shiwu Academy became an main clue which lead to the end of the Reform Movement of 1898.It is generally believed that the disputes of Shiwu Academy were the arguments between the New and the Old. In fact, there were two clues to the dispute of Shiwu Academy, one was a light line, the other was a shade line. No matter which one, the focus was Kang Youwei’s Clique.
keywords:Shiwu Academy  Kang Youwei’s Clique  Chen Baozhen  Wang Xianqian
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