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朱汉民,胡长海 (湖南大学 岳麓书院,湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:湖南时务学堂  中国书院  西方大学  高等教育转型
On Hunan Shiwu Academy and Exploration on Modernization of Education in China
Abstract:Hunan Shiwu Academy, a renowned school in modern history of China is the first new style school in Hunan Province. In terms of teaching objectives, the school aims to integrate knowledge oriented education of western universities and personality education of traditional Chinese academies,so as to turn out modern scholars with proficient understanding of both Chinese and western ideologies.In terms of curriculum,the school combines courses of western universities and teaching materials of traditional Chinese academies.The school also explores to integrate different teaching methods.With advantages of traditional academies and modern universities, Hunan Shiwu Academy has contributed greatly to the transformation of higher education in China.
keywords:Hunan Shiwu Academy  Chinese academies  western universities  transformation of higher education
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