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姜广辉,李准 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:《尚书》  张九成  蔡沉  王充耘  质疑《古文尚书》
A Brief View of Study on The Book of History in Song and Yuan Dynasty
Abstract:In Song and Yuan Dynasty,there were more than hundreds of academic groups who composed books to annotate The Book of History.In this paper, three indirect representative aspects are selected to outline most of the books as follows. Firstly, Shang Shu Xiang Shuo by Zhang Jiucheng was recommended by Huang Lun, “Heaven”“Emperor”in The Book of History was explained as God with personality in this book,meanwhile,this book also emphasized that people must be reverent toward “Heaven”and“Emperor”,this explanation conformed to the language custom in Yin zhou Dynasty. Secondly, the official book Shu Jing Ji Zhuan by Can Chen explained The Book of history as a“telepathic”book from ancient sage emperors.Thirdly, it was Du Shu Guan Jian by Wang Chongyun.In this book, the “Sixteen-character mental cultivation method”was incisively criticized, it was brief and to the point.In the final chapter, this paper introduces the skeptical study and falsehood identification of Wu Yu,Zhu Xi and Wu Cheng on The Book of History in Ancient Chinese .
keywords:The Book of History  Zhang Jiucheng  Cai Chen  Wang Chongyun  skeptical study on The Book of History in Ancient Chinese
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