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延瑞芳 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:冠礼  成人礼  礼仪  道德  教育
The Way of Adult——Analysis of the Educational Function and Modern Value of the Ancient Capping Ceremony
Abstract:The capping ceremony is the ancient Chinese coming of age ceremony. The pre-ceremony divination of the auspicious day and the honorable guest, the threefold capping and styling at the ceremony, and the capped one paying respects to the monarch, township scholar officials and township teachers are all carried out around the theme of “youth to adulthood”. The ceremony not only embodies the appearance requirements but also emphasizes the moral instruction for the one to be capped, with educational functions in cultural heritage, ethical enlightenment and personality development. The capping ceremony is designed scientifically, rigorously and thoroughly, and thus conduces to appropriate, creative inheritance and transformation. The mature life consciousness and individual group consciousness reflected in the ceremony’s symbols, speech and action can help people establish the correct world view, outlook on life and values.
keywords:capping ceremony  coming of age ceremony  ritual  morality  education
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