引用本文:王 琦.朱熹理学化的帝学思想——以《经筵讲义》为中心的考察[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2018,(1):23-28
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王 琦 (长沙理工大学 设计艺术学院 湖南 长沙 410114) 
中文关键词:朱熹  《经筵讲义》  《大学》  理学  帝学
Zhu Xi's Neo-confucianized Monarchy Theory——Reflections on Jingyan Lecture
Abstract:Zhu Xi wrote Jingyan Lecture to guide Emperor Song Ningzong to lead ethical and sacred politics and construct the ideal of Monarchy theory. To this end, he closely linked the "three principles" of The Great Learning with illustrious virtues endowed by the Virtue of God as the essential attribute of human beings, interpreted the theoretical basis and time-Course for Yao and Shun to become a sage through learning, and thus included the emperor in the "Heaven"scope of the requirement that he, like ordinary people, according to Neo-Confucianism standards, self-cultivated and achieved inner sageliness and outer kingliness, which embodies Zhu Xi's academic ideal of influencing politics, building the Monarchy theory through Neo-Confucianism and guiding the Emperor to learn from Yao and Shun, objectively promoting the socialization of Neo-Confucianism.
keywords:Zhu Xi  Jingyan Lecture  The Great Learning  Neo-Confucianism  monarchy theory
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