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黄晓凤1,陈永康2 (1.广东财经大学 国民经济研究中心广东 广州 5103202.广东财经大学 经济学院广东 广州 510320) 
中文关键词:能源偏向型技术创新  技术效率  农业能源结构
Measurement and Structure Improvement of Agricultural Energy Biased Technical Innovation in China
Abstract:The trouble of environmental pollution and food safety caused by global climate change and agricultural production happened frequently in recent years,which has drawn people's attention to the energy biased technical innovation of agriculture.Based on the CES production function and empirical analysis, studying the energy bias and efficiency of agricultural technique in China from 2005 to 2015.The results show that the agricultural technical innovation more relies on the use of non-energy factors such as capital and labor, but the efficiency of energybiased technique is higher than the non-energy biased technique, they are complementary. Therefore, it is necessary to promote the agricultural energy biased technical innovation and improve the structure of energy, in order to decrease the emission of CO2,improve the ecological environment and ensure food safety.
keywords:energy biased technical innovation  efficiency of technique  energy structure of agriculture
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