引用本文:陈 戍 国.论《四库全书·集部》的古代礼学文献[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2018,(1):121-126
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陈 戍 国 (湖南大学 中国礼乐文化传播研究所,湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:《四库全书》  集部  礼学文献
On Literature of The Si Ku Quan Shu:the Ancient Ritual of Literature Collection
Abstract:The Si Ku Quan Shu is composed of Confucian classics, History, Philosophy and Literature. There is a lot of content of the literature of Confucian ritualism in the first three parts. We can learn from the preface of the Literature that the Literature includes five categories about the songs of Chu,anthologies of authors' works,sylloge,comments on poems,and lyrics. By studying, we can see the literature of Confucian ritualism is not uncommon among the five categories, but the literature is not necessarily as long as Confucian classics, History and Philosophy.
keywords:The Si Ku Quan Shu  Literature  literature of Confucian ritualism
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