引用本文:傅 蓉1,2,郭齐勇1.当代中国人价值观结构及特点:基于2753位中国人的调查[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2018,(1):142-148
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傅 蓉1,2,郭齐勇1 (1.武汉大学 哲学学院,湖北 武汉 430072
2.五邑大学 政法学院,广东 江门 529020) 
中文关键词:中国人价值观  文化  道德  克己
The Structure and Characteristics of Contemporary Chinese Values: Based on a Survey of 2753 Individuals
Abstract:This study explores the structure and characteristics of Chinese values in a systematic and practical way. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 2753 individuals of different ages, educational level and occupational status, using the self - made questionnaire on Chinese values. The survey found that: 1)There is the XiuQiZhiPing structure in Chinese values. 2)Chinese people still maintain the moral first tradition, its moral values aim to cotton interpersonal relationships through Self-restraint, based on Xiao. 3)The contemporary Chinese values contain traditional and modern ingredients. Based on this result, the study made a few suggestions.
keywords:values of modern Chinese people  culture  morality  self-restraining
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