引用本文:王 向 清.王闿运获“名满天下、谤满天下”的矛盾评价探微[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2018,(2):7-13
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王 向 清 (湘潭大学 哲学系,湖南 湘潭 411105) 
中文关键词:王闿运  名满天下  谤满天下  《湘军志》 ;《春秋公羊传笺》  “帝王学”
An Exploration of Wang Kaiyun’s “Famous and Infamous” Evaluation
Abstract:The “famous and infamous” evaluation of Wang Kaiyun is caused by his eccentrically ambitious and noble personality, and it is mainly reflected in the mixed reputation of the study of Xiangjun Zhi in the historiographical field, the mixed assessment of his study of Chinese Classicism, the mixed comment of his experience as the high official's house adviser, and the largely criticized service for the National Museum of History when hired as the curator. His “famous and infamous” evaluation comes from the different standpoints of critics, the contradictory viewpoints, the harmful hangover from the critics outside the historiographical system and the hazard incurred by his rebellious character. Such kind of fame brought about great negative effects to Wang Kaiyun, which ruined his official career, nurtured a few way-out disciples, and has impeded the study of his academic thought by contemporaries and later generations.
keywords:Wang Kaiyun  famous  infamous  Xiangjun Zhi  Annotations to Gongyang's the Spring and Autumn Annals  monarchy study
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