引用本文:郜 军,夏东民,罗 健2.论新时代公民生态权益的内涵、特征及其实现机制[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2018,(2):120-125
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郜 军,夏东民,罗 健2 (1.苏州大学 马克思主义学院江苏 苏州 2151232. 江苏理工学院 马克思主义学院江苏 常州 213001) 
中文关键词:生态权益  内涵  特征  实现
Research on Connotation,Characteristics and Implementation Mechanism of Citizens' Ecological Rights and Interests in the New Era
Abstract:Modern society should guarantee the ecological rights and interests of its citizen. The civic ecological rights and interests include the rights of natural existence, embod the rights of social equality and exhibit the rights of overall development. The civic ecological rights and interests have the dialectical characteristics between universality and particularity, between independence and interactivity, between benefit and compulsoriness, between certainty and dynamism, between subjectivity and practicality, between instrumentality and value etc. In terms of China, it is required to establish the mechanism of embracing recognition mind identity, strengthening guide to the policy, regulating system criterion and fostering citizen participation, in order to promote the realization of the civic ecological rights and interests.
keywords:ecological rights and interests  connotation  characteristics  realization
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