引用本文:徐 琳.法国旅游法律制度的起源与流变及其启示[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2018,(2):132-137
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徐 琳 ( 湖南大学 法学院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:旅游法  旅游经营者  法国
The Origin and Evolution of French Tourism Legal System and Inspiration to Our Country
Abstract:France is the world's first tourist destination and one of the countries in the world that has enacted tourism codes. At that time, the French legislature and the travel industry had many differences and disputes over the legal norms of the industry. This time is also a period of continuous development and growth of modern tourism. The main contradiction between French legislation and practice is focused on whether tourism law can become a sectoral law independently. Which law should be protected what is the purpose of the legislation? In fact, this is a dispute between private law and public law, focusing on the protection of the rights and interests of consumers or the tourism industry as a whole. These are also specific problems that our country's tourism legislators and practitioners now face. In order to resolve the reasons for the change of the French legislator's thinking, trying to amend our tourism law,we put forward some useful suggestions.
keywords:tourism law  tour operators  France
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