引用本文:李建华,刘 刚.道德适应何以可能[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2018,(3):25-29
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李建华,刘 刚 (中南大学 公共管理学院湖南 长沙 410083) 
中文关键词:道德适应  现代性的解放  边界意识  共同体意识
The Possibility of Moral Adaptation
Abstract:How can moral adaptation be used as an analytical framework? This is a fundamental element with ethical implications. Moral adaptation is closely related to modernity,the liberation of modernity as an important shaping force in moral adaptation profoundly influences its narrative process. The boundary consciousness is the primary consciousness of the moral subject adapting to the modern society, which is the hazy expression of the moral adaptation, and presents it in the form of value boundary consciousness, language boundary consciousness, and communication boundary consciousness. The community is the ideal existence of the moral adaptation process, and the community has multiple attributes in the process of moral adaptation such as co-existence symbiotic and congenicity. The construction of community consciousness is the possible destination of moral adaptation, which is embodied in the concept of community consciousness and the optimization of moral environment.
keywords:moral adaptation  liberation of modernity  boundary consciousness  community consciousness
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